An authorization code pops into my mind, and the computer opens up.
The dropship's called the
Cloud Breaker , based from the frigate
Zeal Like Madness .
If you meant me, I'm not on the crew roster. I just satisfy the security program.
Information flickers in front of me faster than I can read it. I slow it down. The interface is made for someone with faster eyes and a faster brain than mine. This is going to give me a headache, but we
are in a hurry.
There's a general knowledge database! It's very small, and scrubbed for opsec, unfortunately, but that's better than deciphering human research.
Uncertain. Equipment's present, at least. I start a diagnostic. It'll take a minute. I can do other things in the meantime.
Weapons are gone. Engines are mostly broken and the fuel tanks are empty. If there's something of value here other than the computer, I haven't thought of it.
The mission of the squad, and what caused the explosion/crash?
Cloud Breaker had thirty one crew and embarked at last count. Mission was... to stand by? That's weird. Remain hidden at all costs. Then, there was a recall order logged. Enemy presence in orbit. Diplomats suspected. The crew abandoned the dropship and exfiltrated on foot towards the
Zeal , which was hidden under a lake. A few minutes later, the point defense computer logged a massive explosion in that direction, plus two smaller ones.
Good guess. I can feel the shape of the hangar via blindsight right now.